
March 20, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of data mesh and data fabric Data Mesh or Data Fabric? Choosing the Right Data Architecture
Data mesh and data fabric are two architectural paradigms that are shaping the future of data management and analytics. At their core, both aim to address the complexities of handling vast and diverse data in modern organizations, but they approach the challenge from different angles. In this...

By Shelf

March 1, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of verctors in machine learning How Vectors in Machine Learning Supply AI Engines with Data
Artificial intelligence engines need data to learn and operate, but the data you and I find meaningful is foreign to machines. Machines need data translated to their preferred language: math. This conversion happens with the help of vectors. What are vectors in machine learning? Vectors are...

By Shelf

March 1, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of synthetic data Supercharge AI and ML with Synthetic Data
Synthetic data is artificially generated data that imitates real-world data without using actual information. It is generated through algorithms and statistical techniques to capture the same patterns and characteristics found in real data. Instead of relying on sensitive or private data,...

By Shelf

February 6, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of content chunking in AI and KM Demystifying Content Chunking In Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise Knowledge Management
We encounter content chunks every day. Think of a recipe. A recipe contains content components like a title, a list of ingredients, cooking times, pictures of food, and instructions that contain individual steps. These are “chunks” that together compose a recipe. The process of chunking this...

By Shelf

February 1, 2024Knowledge Management
Midjourney depiction of the future of knowledge in customer service The Future of Knowledge in Customer Service
We live in an on-demand world. Customers expect every product delivered to the doorstep, every service ordered online, and any information they seek immediately available at their fingertips. When customers have questions, they expect answers–on demand. As customer expectations have risen, so have...

By Shelf

January 31, 2024AI Challenges
Midjourney depiction of challenges and consideration in NLP Challenges and Considerations in Natural Language Processing
The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has witnessed significant advancements, yet it continues to face notable challenges and considerations. These obstacles not only highlight the complexity of human language but also underscore the need for careful and responsible development of NLP...

By Shelf

January 12, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of high-dimensional data What Are Embeddings in Machine Learning?
In machine learning, embeddings are a technique used to represent complex, high-dimensional data like words, sentences, or even entire documents in a more manageable, lower-dimensional space. An analogy would be nice. Right. Think about Lego bricks. A lot of them. High-dimensional data is like the...

By Shelf

January 12, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of autonomous agents ​​The Evolution of AI: Introducing Autonomous AI Agents
ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms are transforming how we access information, answer questions, and even create and interpret art. But there are limitations when it comes to performing more complex tasks like planning an event, or chaining multiple steps together like conducting buyer...

By Shelf

January 11, 2024Generative AI
Midjourney depiction of neural networks What are Neural Networks and How Do They Work With Generative AI
Neural networks involve a series of algorithms designed to recognize patterns, interpret data, and make decisions or predictions. They are modeled loosely after the human brain’s architecture. Neural networks have become a cornerstone of AI technologies alongside others, such as rule-based...

By Shelf

January 9, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of finetuning LLMs for accuracy Fine-tuning Large Language Models for AI Accuracy and Effectiveness
We need more than just artificial intelligence. We need virtual experts that are accurate, authoritative, and effective. It’s not enough to deploy AI technologies to answer customer service questions, assist a doctor’s medical diagnosis, identify a negotiator’s key clauses in a contract, provide...

By Shelf

January 4, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of a search What Is Semantic Search and How Can It Help Your Company?
Semantic search goes far beyond the words that people use in their searches, to interpret the intent behind the words, and the greater context in which people are asking. Traditional lexical or keyword-based technologies cannot accomplish this. The relevance and actionability of information that...

By Shelf

January 2, 2024Agents and Call Centers
Midjouney depiction of how AI can elevate your contact center 9 Compelling AI Implementation Examples that Elevate Contact Center Knowledge Bases
Listing use cases for artificial intelligence (AI) is like describing how to use the internet — the AI implementation examples are nearly infinite, constrained only by the inventive minds behind the wheel. AI is being implemented in business practically everywhere, from personalizing sales...

By Shelf