Midjourney depiction of GenerativeAI prompts

10 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents

This article presents 10 Generative AI prompts tested and refined to improve customer service effectiveness excerpted from our eBook, 51 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents. With Generative AI, agents can rapidly generate personalized, context-aware responses across...

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Midjouney depiction of how AI can elevate your contact center

9 Compelling AI Implementation Examples that Elevate Contact Center Knowledge Bases

Listing use cases for artificial intelligence (AI) is like describing how to use the internet — the AI implementation examples are nearly infinite, constrained only by the inventive minds behind the wheel. AI is being implemented in business practically everywhere, from personalizing sales...

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Midjourney depiction of customer service journey

Equipping Your Support for Seamless Customer Service Journeys

Customers have more ways to communicate with your organization than ever before, which presents a challenge for designing a seamless customer service journey. Multiple touchpoints, disconnected experiences, and increased costs can hinder customer satisfaction. Overcoming these challenges requires...

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Midjourney depiction of "service benefits of AI customer support"

The 3 Service Benefits of AI Customer Support

The accessibility and ease-of-use of your organization’s knowledge results in an agent who is immediately helpful at resolving customer questions. With one implementation, your support center can benefit from the service benefits of AI customer support including greater accuracy, better knowledge integration, and reduced onboarding costs.

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Midjourney depiction of answer assist helping the woman with work

Answer Assist Creates Entry Level Experts

Learn how Shelf’s AI-powered Answer Assist resolves one of the biggest pain points for support centers by creating entry-level experts.

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10 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents: image 1

CX Benchmark Report: Key Findings from CCCE 2023

In this benchmark report, we present data reflecting the views of customer experience (CX) leaders who attended Call and Contact Center Expo in Las Vegas, NV from April 26-27, 2023. Participants completed a written survey asking about their contact center priorities, challenges, the future, and...

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10 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents: image 2

High Call Volume in Busy Season? Turn to Knowledge Management

Ecommerce sales around the globe are expected to account for over a fifth of all retail sales by the end of 2022—which means support teams must handle a huge volume of calls in Q4 and Q1. No matter what business you’re in, peak season can make or break your customer experience if agents can’t...

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10 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents: image 3

How To Improve Call Center Metrics With Knowledge Management

Your call center agents are your organization’s frontline responders – the first point of contact between your organization and the customer (or, in some cases, potential customer). To the caller, the person on the other end of the phone line represents your company as a whole. It’s no...

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Ideas for Improving Customer Service in Call Center

5 Unique Ideas to Improve Customer Service in Your Call Center

Like it or not, your customer’s experience is everything. If your call center offers substandard customer service, service quality issues can significantly impact your company’s revenue if left unchecked. Think the customer experience doesn’t matter as long as you offer a good product?...

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10 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents: image 4

Building an Agent Improvement Plan? 5 Tips for Contact Centers

Before you build an agent improvement plan, ask yourself: why spend time recruiting and training new agents if you don’t have to? Most contact centers planned for growth this year, but hiring great talent has been challenging. Companies like xtDirect had to reduce their agent count by 25% due to...

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10 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents: image 5

5 Innovative Customer Service Ideas for Managers

Still getting used to leading a modern customer service team, a largely distributed workforce, adjusting to the ‘new normal’? Chances are your customer service team is too; most agents can’t just tap a coworker on the shoulder like they used to whenever a customer has a question. You need some...

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10 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents: image 6

10 Ways to Improve Agent Productivity in Customer Support

How can you improve agent productivity? You have access to so much technology as a customer support leader these days, yet studies show frustrated customers complain most about things like ineffective and slow customer support agents. If customer support technology is so good—the platforms, IVR...

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