Unlock the Power of RAG with Shelf, Watch KMWorld webinar on October 29
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[ Mission ]

Shelf’s mission is to empower humanity by enabling better answers everywhere.

[ Overview ]

Our collective ambition is something extraordinary.

We’re working at the forefront of AI, helping to enable the fastest-growing industry in human history to produce more accurate and trusted answers. It’s incredibly exciting and fulfilling work.

Our ambition requires extraordinary effort. What we’re doing will require everything from all of us. This is an all-encompassing venture. It’s exciting, energizing, demanding, and, most importantly, rewarding.

Come with us – we promise some of the most intense, most challenging, and best years of your professional career.

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[ What we offer ]

Our company values lie within the people

Hard work
Learning agility
Adapt and thrive
Win together


Quality in all things – starting with everything that leaves your desk. Everything you touch – every email, report, campaign, and piece of code should be outstanding.

Your work product should blow people away. Get used to having people look at what you’ve done and say… “Wow”. That’s the standard here.

Remember that how you do anything is how you do everything. Focus on craftsmanship…your ability to make things better.


Momentum for us means that you should know that the things you’re responsible for are moving forward. And when you look around and see something that’s stalled…get it moving again.

We pride ourselves on “ball movement”. When your boss or your team leaves you with something, they should return to you and see measurable progress. Small, continuous movement is a part of our recipe for success. Constantly look for ways to make the work around you move forward.

We want you to initiate solutions, ideas, progress. Don’t wait for it to come to you…reach out and create movement. All the time.


We expect every team member to feel that they are accountable for more than anyone might normally expect. Each of our people should feel real responsibility for things, even at the edge of their control.

We consistently share and align on expectations, give each other open and respectful feedback, and use those two drivers to ensure that every agreement we make with one another is clear and complete.

Clean agreements are critical to us. Make sure that when you leave a conversation, or a meeting, that everyone in that conversation knows what decisions were made and exactly what will happen next. And when you commit to do something our shared expectation is that you follow through completely.

Hard work

We’re here to do something difficult together. We care intensely about the mission and we expect that from our teammates.

That care means that we work hard here. Hard work comes with long hours, extra effort…and real opportunity at Shelf.

Our passion for creating and sustaining output is a part of our DNA. Support each other, cheer each other on, drive the mission forward. Great teams sustain intense effort together to win.

Learning agility

We’re innovating in one of the fastest changing technical spaces, and in one of the fastest evolving moments in history. That’s incredibly exciting to us and requires a fully committed learning organization.

None of us knows everything. All of us can learn anything. Staying open and constantly curious is a key success driver at Shelf. It also requires humility. We prize people who are consistently humble and open to making mistakes and growing from them.

Recognize also that learning itself is a skill…we need you to be really good at it. Keep dialing in your own understanding about how you learn best and push yourself to keep growing with us.

Adapt and thrive

Overcoming challenges lives deep in our DNA. We have a proud history of understanding and living the reality that “obstacles are our opportunities”…they’re the key to our success.

Change is a constant in our business and fighting change is counter-productive. We need you to be good at being uncomfortable and understanding that discomfort is the key to growth.

Cultivate your own ability to adapt and know that struggling well is something you’ll share with every team you’re on at Shelf. Our company story is about pushing through real adversity and thriving…together.

Win together

We win or lose as a team. Always. Everything you do here is connected to the rest of the organization.

Part of our shared team environment demands full honesty…real candor and directness with one another. Overly crafting the way you speak or being political when you disagree is not who we are at work together.

We expect you to constantly be thinking about how to support your teammates and the company. Acting always in service to our shared mission and what’s best for Shelf.

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There’s amazing energy here because everyone believes in the product we’re helping to build, and we see firsthand how well it works.
Vlad Holubiev, Sr. Director of Technology at Shelf
[ We’re looking for great ]
Interested in joining our team? Send your resume to careers@shelf.io.
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Current Job Openings

Location Departments
Director of GTM Operations
Stamford, CT Go To Market (Sales)
Data Scientist
Poland R&D
Head of Product
Stamford, CT R&D
Senior Product Manager (Data, Unstructured Data Management & RAG)
Poland; Wroclaw/remote R&D
We are always looking for talent. Please send us your resume anyways.
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