10-Step RAG System Audit to Eradicate Bias and Toxicity: image 1

10-Step RAG System Audit to Eradicate Bias and Toxicity

As the use of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems becomes more common in countless industries, ensuring their performance and fairness has become more critical than ever. RAG systems, which enhance content generation by integrating retrieval mechanisms, are powerful tools to improve...

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10-Step RAG System Audit to Eradicate Bias and Toxicity: image 2

Why RAG Systems Struggle with Acronyms – And How to Fix It

Acronyms allow us to compact a wealth of information into a few letters. The goal of such a linguistic shortcut is obvious – quicker and more efficient communication, saving time and reducing complexity in both spoken and written language. But it comes at a price – due to their condensed nature...

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10-Step RAG System Audit to Eradicate Bias and Toxicity: image 3

10 Ways Duplicate Content Can Cause Errors in RAG Systems

Effective data management is crucial for the optimal performance of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models. Duplicate content can significantly impact the accuracy and efficiency of these systems, leading to errors in response to user queries. Understanding the repercussions of duplicate...

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Midjourney depiction of NLP applications in business and research

Continuously Monitor Your RAG System to Neutralize Data Decay

Poor data quality is the largest hurdle for companies who embark on generative AI projects. If your LLMs don’t have access to the right information, they can’t possibly provide good responses to your users and customers. In the previous articles in this series, we spoke about data enrichment,...

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10-Step RAG System Audit to Eradicate Bias and Toxicity: image 4

Fix RAG Content at the Source to Avoid Compromised AI Results

While Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) significantly enhances the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) by pulling from vast sources of external data, they are not immune to the pitfalls of inaccurate or outdated information. In fact, according to recent industry analyses, one of the...

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10-Step RAG System Audit to Eradicate Bias and Toxicity: image 5

Strategic Data Filtering for Enhanced RAG System Accuracy and Compliance

Large language models are skilled at generating human-like content, but they’re only as valuable as the data they pull from. If your knowledge source contains duplicate, inaccurate, irrelevant, or biased information, the LLM will never behave optimally. In fact, poor data quality is so inhibiting...

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10-Step RAG System Audit to Eradicate Bias and Toxicity: image 6

Shield Your RAG System from these 4 Unstructured Data Risks

While large language models excel in mimicking human-like content generation, they also pose risks of producing confusing or erroneous responses, often stemming from poor data quality.  Poor data quality is the primary hurdle for companies embarking on generative AI projects, according to...

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Midjourney depiction of data enrichment. Man sitting at the laptop and working with graphics.

These Data Enrichment Strategies Will Optimize Your RAG Performance

Large language models have an impressive ability to generate human-like content, but they also run the risk of generating confusing or inaccurate responses. In some cases, LLM responses can be harmful, biased, or even nonsensical. The cause? Poor data quality.  According to a poll of IT leaders by...

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