How GenAI Transforms Every Aspect of Data Consumption and Interaction: image 1

How GenAI Transforms Every Aspect of Data Consumption and Interaction

From the Library of Alexandria to the first digital databases, the quest to organize and utilize information has been a reflection of human progress. As the volume of global data soars—from 2 zettabytes in 2010 to an anticipated 181 zettabytes by the end of 2024 – we stand on the verge of a new...

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Midjourney depiction of AI bias in finance

Data Quality Is Critical to GenAI’s Expanding Impact in Finance

The generative AI (GenAI) market for financial services is expected to grow by 28% over the next decade. This means that we will soon be able to say farewell to the traditional cumbersome processes that once defined the financial sector – manual data entry, lengthy decision-making for loan...

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How GenAI Transforms Every Aspect of Data Consumption and Interaction: image 2

Generative AI in Healthcare: A Balance between Benefits and Ethics

It’s estimated that $1 trillion in healthcare spending is wasted each year in the U.S. By automating routine tasks and making more use of clinical data, GenAI is a new opportunity to optimize healthcare expenditures and unlock part of the money lost to inefficiencies. It could organize...

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How GenAI Transforms Every Aspect of Data Consumption and Interaction: image 3

Generative AI and Data Preparation in an Integrated AI Strategy

Identifying how Generative AI and data preparation fits into your business case is a complex endeavor. If you are feeling overwhelmed trying to keep up with emerging AI technologies and applications — and it’s almost 100% likely that you are—you are not alone. Because “almost 100%” by definition...

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Midjourney depiction of neural networks

What are Neural Networks and How Do They Work With Generative AI

Neural networks involve a series of algorithms designed to recognize patterns, interpret data, and make decisions or predictions. They are modeled loosely after the human brain’s architecture. Neural networks have become a cornerstone of AI technologies alongside others, such as rule-based...

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Midjourey depiction of Human in the Loop

Human in the Loop & Generative AI: Balancing AI Automation with Human Insight

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has emerged as a powerful tool for content creation, but often requires a human in the loop to ensure the outputs are valuable. The value of GenAI includes productivity gains, opportunity for revenue growth, and better accuracy for your organization’s...

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Midjourney depiction of AI Strategy

Future-Proofing Business for AI and Automation: Risk, ROI, and the Strategy of Disruption

In our first entry in our series of future-proofing for artificial intelligence (AI), we discussed the inevitability of AI disruption and how your organization should prepare to manage change. In this second entry in the series, we focus on what your AI strategy needs to manage risk, evaluate ROI,...

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Midjourney depiction of Generative AI Search

How Generative AI is Transforming Search Forever

Generative AI is revolutionizing search by delivering personalized and context-aware search experiences. This technology has revolutionized customer service with greater efficiency and accuracy. It has the potential to advance medical research by providing more relevant results for searches of prior studies and papers.

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Midjourney depiction of AI Customer Service in a grocery store

Unlocking Next-Level AI Customer Service with Gen AI Technology

Your customers already want AI Customer Service. Artificial intelligence (AI) and Generative AI (GenAI) have created a new era of automating the most vital aspects of customer service. The results have shown boosted employee productivity, enhanced accuracy, and improved self-service containment rate.

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How GenAI Transforms Every Aspect of Data Consumption and Interaction: image 4

AI Copilots for Customer Service Agents

Shelf Search Copilot is a comprehensive solution that enhances agent efficiency, fosters customer satisfaction, and offers a concrete step forward to infusing AI into everyday customer service operations.

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midjourney depiction of two workers utilizing AI Productivity tools

AI Productivity Unleashed: BCG Study Confirms Greater Efficiency With Chat-GPT

GenAI promises to provide greater productivity to knowledge work and a recent study on AI productivity may be the conclusive proof organizations need to invest in AI as a strategy. Harvard Business School conducted a study with Boston Consulting Group (BCG) measuring the performance of consultants...

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How GenAI Transforms Every Aspect of Data Consumption and Interaction: image 5

The Era of Generative AI in Enterprises: Discover the Winning Edge

How is generative AI used in enterprises? Visualize a daunting scenario: An intelligent system that can compose music, generate compelling articles, or write code based on learned data patterns is rapidly becoming a reality. With generative AI fundamentally changing the game, enterprises that...

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