Midjourney depiction of robot reading a newspaper

Shelf Blog

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January 25, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of AI transparency Opening the Black Box: How to Create AI Transparency and Explainability to Build Trust
Can we really trust Artificial Intelligence? Let’s face it. AI has trust issues. AI is rapidly permeating our lives. But perhaps even more rapidly permeating, are fears about AI. Fears that are largely due to a lack of transparency as to how AI works. These concerns are evident in questions people...

By Oksana Zdrok

Blog: image 1
5-Point RAG Strategy Guide to Prevent Hallucinations & Bad Answers This guide designed to help teams working on GenAI Initiatives gives you five actionable strategies for RAG pipelines that will improve answer quality and prevent hallucinations.
January 24, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of AI Bias AI Bias, What It Is and How to Fix It
What Is Bias in AI? In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), bias is an anomaly that skews outcomes, often reflecting societal inequities. AI bias can originate from various sources, including the data used to train AI models, the design of algorithms themselves, and the way results are...

By Oksana Zdrok

January 19, 2024AI Education
Blog: image 2 The IT Leader’s Guide to Preparing Structured and Unstructured Data for Generative AI
Businesses have long been increasingly inundated with an unprecedented volume of data. The challenge now is not just about storing ample data but managing, classifying, and transforming this structured and unstructured data into fuel for the engine of business. The critical role of data...

By Vish Khanna

January 18, 2024Generative AI
Blog: image 3 Generative AI and Data Preparation in an Integrated AI Strategy
Identifying how Generative AI and data preparation fits into your business case is a complex endeavor. If you are feeling overwhelmed trying to keep up with emerging AI technologies and applications — and it’s almost 100% likely that you are—you are not alone. Because “almost 100%” by definition...

By Vish Khanna

January 16, 2024AI Education
Blog: image 4Continuous Improvement and Machine Learning Ops (MLOps)
The effectiveness of AI implementations, such as generative AI, is intrinsically linked to the quality and structure of the underlying data. However, maintaining the relevance and quality of this data is not a one-time task. It requires a continuous improvement approach, where machine learning...

By Vish Khanna

January 12, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of high-dimensional data What Are Embeddings in Machine Learning?
In machine learning, embeddings are a technique used to represent complex, high-dimensional data like words, sentences, or even entire documents in a more manageable, lower-dimensional space. An analogy would be nice. Right. Think about Lego bricks. A lot of them. High-dimensional data is like the...

By Shelf

January 12, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of autonomous agents ​​The Evolution of AI: Introducing Autonomous AI Agents
ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms are transforming how we access information, answer questions, and even create and interpret art. But there are limitations when it comes to performing more complex tasks like planning an event, or chaining multiple steps together like conducting buyer...

By Shelf

January 11, 2024Generative AI
Midjourney depiction of neural networks What are Neural Networks and How Do They Work With Generative AI
Neural networks involve a series of algorithms designed to recognize patterns, interpret data, and make decisions or predictions. They are modeled loosely after the human brain’s architecture. Neural networks have become a cornerstone of AI technologies alongside others, such as rule-based...

By Shelf

January 9, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of finetuning LLMs for accuracy Fine-tuning Large Language Models for AI Accuracy and Effectiveness
We need more than just artificial intelligence. We need virtual experts that are accurate, authoritative, and effective. It’s not enough to deploy AI technologies to answer customer service questions, assist a doctor’s medical diagnosis, identify a negotiator’s key clauses in a contract, provide...

By Shelf

January 5, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of data pipelines in AI Data Pipelines in Artificial Intelligence
A data pipeline is a set of processes and tools for collecting, transforming, transporting, and enriching data from various sources. Data pipelines control the flow of data from source through transformation and processing components to the data’s final storage location. Types of Data Pipelines AI...

By Oksana Zdrok

January 4, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of a search What Is Semantic Search and How Can It Help Your Company?
Semantic search goes far beyond the words that people use in their searches, to interpret the intent behind the words, and the greater context in which people are asking. Traditional lexical or keyword-based technologies cannot accomplish this. The relevance and actionability of information that...

By Shelf