Oksana Zdrok

March 19, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of zero-shot-vs-few-shot-prompting Master the Prompt: 7 Contrasts Between Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Prompting
Whenever you interact with a large language model (LLM), the model’s output is only as good as your input. If you offer the AI a poor prompt, you’ll limit the quality of its response. So it’s important to understand zero-shot and few-shot prompting as you can use these techniques to get better...

By Oksana Zdrok

March 14, 2024AI Education
Why “Garbage In, Garbage Out” Should Be the New Mantra for AI Implementation: image 1 Pick the Best Conversational AI Platform: A Straightforward Guide
Whether it’s through text-based chatbots on a website or voice-activated assistants in our homes and smartphones, conversational AI is becoming an integral part of our daily lives. By simulating human-like conversations, these advanced AI systems are breaking down the barriers between...

By Oksana Zdrok

March 8, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of AI governance Can AI Governance Frameworks Protect You from GenAI’s Risks?
Artificial intelligence is changing technology in groundbreaking ways, affecting everything from business to daily life. However, this rapid advancement brings up significant ethical, legal, and societal concerns, highlighting the urgent need for effective AI governance frameworks. To ensure AI...

By Oksana Zdrok

March 8, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of diffusion models for machine learningThe Panoramic Guide to Diffusion Models in Machine Learning
Diffusion models for machine learning are cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping how we leverage artificial intelligence. They excel at generating and transforming data in ways we once thought were exclusive to human creativity. Imagine an artist starting with a blank canvas, gradually...

By Oksana Zdrok

February 23, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of question answering The Rise of Generative Question Answering with LLMs
Businesses face an overwhelming amount of data rich with insights to unlock. Traditional keyword-based searches have long been the go-to method for wading through this informational deluge, but as the complexity and volume of data expand, the inefficiencies of such systems become more apparent....

By Oksana Zdrok

February 21, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of data hydration How Data Hydration Can Unlock the Potential of Your Data
Data hydration, the process of enhancing and enriching existing data, has become increasingly vital in the era of big data and artificial intelligence. In this article, we explore the concept of data hydration, the challenges organizations face in managing structured and unstructured data, and the...

By Oksana Zdrok

February 21, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of GANs GANs Explained: How Generative Adversarial Networks Work
As artificial intelligence continues to push boundaries and redefine industries, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have emerged as a game-changer. GANs are transforming the way we generate creative content, from artwork to music, and are revolutionizing fields such as healthcare, art,...

By Oksana Zdrok

February 1, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of NLP processing Natural Language Processing – A Deep Dive for IT Leaders and Data Scientists
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an interdisciplinary field blending computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics, aimed at enabling computers to understand, interpret, and engage with human language in both written and spoken forms. NLP combines computational linguistics with...

By Oksana Zdrok

January 26, 2024Customer Service
Midjourney depiction of GenerativeAI prompts 10 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents
This article presents 10 Generative AI prompts tested and refined to improve customer service effectiveness excerpted from our eBook, 51 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents. With Generative AI, agents can rapidly generate personalized, context-aware responses across...

By Oksana Zdrok

January 25, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of AI transparency Opening the Black Box: How to Create AI Transparency and Explainability to Build Trust
Can we really trust Artificial Intelligence? Let’s face it. AI has trust issues. AI is rapidly permeating our lives. But perhaps even more rapidly permeating, are fears about AI. Fears that are largely due to a lack of transparency as to how AI works. These concerns are evident in questions people...

By Oksana Zdrok

January 24, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of AI Bias AI Bias, What It Is and How to Fix It
What Is Bias in AI? In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), bias is an anomaly that skews outcomes, often reflecting societal inequities. AI bias can originate from various sources, including the data used to train AI models, the design of algorithms themselves, and the way results are...

By Oksana Zdrok

January 5, 2024AI Education
Midjourney depiction of data pipelines in AI Data Pipelines in Artificial Intelligence
A data pipeline is a set of processes and tools for collecting, transforming, transporting, and enriching data from various sources. Data pipelines control the flow of data from source through transformation and processing components to the data’s final storage location. Types of Data Pipelines AI...

By Oksana Zdrok