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For contact centers and businesses alike, success will always point back to the ability to consistently deliver positive customer experiences. With 89% of consumers ready to switch to a competitor following a single poor experience, fast service, accurate answers, and no missteps are all a must.

This online white paper will provide an overview of how enterprises can leverage knowledge automation to improve their customer service and improve efficiency across their organization. This white paper is broken down into 8 sections, starting with this introduction.

Section II will explain how Shelf fits into a modern enterprise tech stack. We will provide a simple diagram and some examples how integrations work within the complex environment of the enterprise.

In Section III, we’ll provide an overview of how Shelf helps automate answers and provides guided responses to customers and agents alike.

Section IV is all about decision tree content guidance, designed to simplify complex procedures and help agents walk customers through step-by-step processes with ease.

In Section V, we’ll cover how Shelf helps administrators maintain and manage content by providing them with an end-to-end system for managing content and ensuring it's quality.

In Section VI, we showcase how Shelf streamlines training and onboarding by reducing Time-To Ramp and turns new hires into seasoned veterans on Day 1.

In Section VII, we breakdown Shelf’s ROI for the contact center—including the hard numbers around cost savings as well as how knowledge automation helps remote teams stay productive and efficient.

In Section VIII, we wrap up our white paper with some key takeaways.
