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89% of consumers are ready to switch to a competitor following a single poor experience, yet contact centers are still struggling with efficiency, and many must sacrifice efficacy and accuracy to manage support volumes.

Knowledge automation can greatly improve efficiency issues in contact centers, and Shelf provides the knowledge infrastructure enterprise companies require to improve customer service by accessing and delivering specialized content types and providing access to information through the agent journey in more efficient ways.

Shelf’s knowledge automation application is built with an API-first architecture—designed to be flexible and extensible to fit the needs of the enterprise. Shelf can be integrated into any modern technology and it’s core capabilities automate answers directly into other systems, provides guided answers, automates maintenance, and is powered by MerlinAI to continually learn and improve the quality of content over time.

65% of interactions require company knowledge to solve. Knowledge automation saves customer service representatives valuable time by analyzing customer intent and automating the delivery of answers through IVR Knowledge or Agent Assist.

Approximately 20% of interactions require an agent to follow a specific procedure or take sequential steps through a process. With Shelf, technical manuals, complex processes and tailored procedures are transformed into decision trees that guide the agent step by step to arrive at the correct solution. We estimate that doing these processes manually can take 14-minutes on average, and implementing decision trees can save enterprises $5.6M per year when calculating time saved.

The burdens of managing knowledge is difficult and manual in contact centers. Shelf’s end-to-end knowledge automation solution saves managers time, and provides the insights needed to understand and improve company knowledge throughout its entire lifecycle. Feedback, publication workflows, notifications and announcements are all centralized, and the system is intuitively designed so admins can effortlessly manage content tasks, drafts, reviews, approvals, and releases with ease.

We estimate agent training time is approximately 26 weeks based on contact center averages, with much of that time spent learning, understanding, and often memorizing company policies and procedures. This time costs millions, yet efficacy still remains an issue even with this level of effort, and call centers still report a staggering turnover rate of 30-45%. Knowledge automation reduces both training time and costs, as well as improves efficacy of new customer service reps. With Agent Assist and guided workflows, contact centers can make smarter use of content, and better enable new agents to do the job on day 1.

We estimate the ROI of knowledge automation to be approximately $17M per year for enterprise contact centers with at least one million interactions per month. Knowledge automation improves customer service by powering IVR, Agent Assist, decision tree content, guided training, and automated self-service with accurate answers. When you eliminate the unnecessary steps it takes to find information, that saved time adds up considerably.

Shelf is the #1 rated knowledge management platform on Gartner Digital Markets and recently won top awards from G2 Crowd for Ease of Use, Highest User Adoption, Easiest Setup, Easiest to Admin, and Easiest to Do Business With. Please contact us at kmsuccess@shelf.io for a free consultation on how Shelf can help bring your contact center into the future.
