Deliver the ROI your GenAI business case promised
Whatever your GenAI business case, Shelf is here to make sure it comes to life
Accurate answers start with Always On infrastructure
Shelf supports millions of conversations each and every day. Whether the answers are delivered by GenAI or a more traditional method, customers know they can always rely on Shelf’s enterprise-grade platform.

The #1 knowledge management solution for better GenAI
Industry leading brands rely on Shelf to help them safely and responsibly use GenAI. We make easy for organizations to get a handle on the issues within their documents and files, thanks to our truly innovative approach to knowledge management

100% implementation success rate for 7 years and running
Many organizations are traumatized from previous knowledge management implementations. With a 100% implementation success rate, things couldn’t be more different with Shelf. Ask a customer about their experience and you’ll hear something like this “I’ve implemented three knowledge platforms before Shelf, and you’re, hands down, the best!”

The last knowledge vendor you’ll ever need
Customers often say things like “I’ve worked with a ton of vendors in my time, and Shelf is, hands down, the best!” And while we’re always happy to hear it, it’s also exactly what we expect to hear. The foundation for GenAI success means working with partners that will position you for decades of success, and that’s exactly what Shelf does.